Monday, September 30, 2013

Class Mate Interview

Alex Brislin

     Alex Brislin is 19 and longtime resident of Louisville,Ky. There he lived with his mother,father and brother Nick. Brislin is currently a sophomore at western Kentucky University pursuing his dream of film.
     "My dream is to one day make a super bowl commercial", Brislin said. One of Brislin  inspiration for film was the legendary landscape photographer Ansel Adams. This inspired him to start taking photos.He found his passion for film by first taking photos and then discovering that he like the motion picture format better. So he decided to follow his dream by going to Western Kentucky the only school in Kentucky that has a program for video.
     Brislin has other passion aside from video. Including photography ,hunting for deer,birds, fishing and hanging with friends.  He also enjoys watching Top Gear the UK version not the US version. Brisilin enjoys the witty humor and the clever car reviews.
    In summary Alex Brisilin is born and raised Kentucky resident that is chasing his dream of film and loves the outdoors.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

NSA Whistleblower

The NSA recently experienced leaks about their programs that included unwarranted wiretaps. The man behind these leaks was Edward Snowden. Snowden believes that he is leaking these documents to let the public deicide.
Snowden is 29 and Booz Allen Hamilton as an infrastructure analyst for NSA in Hawaii.
            "I'm no different from anybody else. I don't have special skills. I'm just another guy who sits there day to day in the office, watches what's happening and goes, 'This is something that's not our place to decide, the public needs to decide whether these programs and policies are right or wrong.' And I'm willing to go on the record to defend the authenticity of them and say, 'I didn't change these, I didn't modify the story. This is the truth; this is what's happening. You should decide whether we need to be doing this.'" Said Snowden. Snowden believes that he is doing what is just for the people of the US. That these programs should be judged on by public and the fact that they didn’t doesn’t seem right.

            Snowden didn’t want to leak these documents to hurt or aid other countries. Because of Snowden's actions of leaking these documents, the US government is looking for him on criminal charges of Theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information, as well as willful communication of classified intelligence to an unauthorized person.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Report Writing Exercises

Jet crash at parking lot
Today at noon a jet piloted by Air Force Major Rufus N. Herbernowki crashed into the parking lot of Super  Shopping Mall. Impact destroyed fifteen cars killing the pilot but no one on the ground was hurt or injured.

Tax increase for bigger city park
City Council choose to increase the cities property taxes but 10 percent. The taxes will be used to double the size of the city park. This will cause the average taxes to go up by around $50 annually.

University gets a all around raise
All the faculty and staff will get a 15 percent pay raise said Harold R Drazsnzak the universities vice president of finance. The raise is available because of increased funding from the state.

Journalism class boycott
Members of the Journalism Students association decided to organize a boycott of all journalism classes in protest of the increase tuition. The increase in tuition is about 10 percent and would beginning in the spring semester. There where about 200 students at the meeting. The president of JSA David S. Kuykendall said "We are confident that all journalism students will boycott all classes"

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Assignment Two

The sport of rowing is a beautiful but intense sport. To be a rower it requires the precision to follow the exact movement of the rower in front of you. That’s not all a rower needs to know how to do they also need to put every once of strength into every stroke while keeping perfect form.
 Rowing which is many time called crew, is a team sport. With as many as eight rowers and a coxswain moving boat that is almost 18ft. The standard regatta (boat race) two kilometer long. However the race is over in less than seven minutes and usually a close finish.

Rowing is a sport that is treasure and loved in many European countries but not in the United States. This sport is rarely heard about and its gracefulness is viewed as much as it should be in the US.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Assignment One

1st Amendment. Freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceful assembly, and petition. This is quick and clean and get the message across.

Michael is studying photojournalist. He found photojournalism while in high school. Also while in high school he became the Missouri State Road Race champion for two years and a rower that placed 3rd in the Midwest Rowing Championship. Now he has dreams of being a photographer for Red Bull or working as a news photojournalist Michael is now a sophomore attending Western Kentucky University. Michael recently had a photo internship at For Knox army post.