Monday, September 30, 2013

Class Mate Interview

Alex Brislin

     Alex Brislin is 19 and longtime resident of Louisville,Ky. There he lived with his mother,father and brother Nick. Brislin is currently a sophomore at western Kentucky University pursuing his dream of film.
     "My dream is to one day make a super bowl commercial", Brislin said. One of Brislin  inspiration for film was the legendary landscape photographer Ansel Adams. This inspired him to start taking photos.He found his passion for film by first taking photos and then discovering that he like the motion picture format better. So he decided to follow his dream by going to Western Kentucky the only school in Kentucky that has a program for video.
     Brislin has other passion aside from video. Including photography ,hunting for deer,birds, fishing and hanging with friends.  He also enjoys watching Top Gear the UK version not the US version. Brisilin enjoys the witty humor and the clever car reviews.
    In summary Alex Brisilin is born and raised Kentucky resident that is chasing his dream of film and loves the outdoors.

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