Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Budget Guide

Budget Guide

My name is Michael Noble I’m a sophomore in the photojournalism major at Western Kentucky University. Being a PJ major at any school is very expensive buying gear and just living, so budgeting is key and here are my top tips for an incoming freshman.

I’ll start things off with budgeting. It’s the most important thing not being broke in college. You need to know exactly how much you have at any given time. So what I use is my banks iPhone app. It tells me everything about my account instantly and from anywhere. I also have the bank send me a paper statement so I can see what spending in one long list. Then I have two different highlighters one for required purchases and the other unnecessary purchases. This will make your spending clear.

Since we are on the topic of banks they are important, as well as the accounts you select. Banks will offer you this accounts that sounds very flashy but if you look at the details they require the account to have at least $100 if not then they fine the account owner. Which as a college student isn’t very realistic.  So look for the bank’s student accounts these accounts features no minimum balance. Which is great to have because every dollar matters.

If the incoming freshman takes these tips they will have a financially successful freshman year.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very unique perspective of looking at something most college students really don't think much about. Most students don't pay attention to how much money they have. A student bank account is a great way to make sure you don't waste money on unnecessary expenses. Great perspective. One thing you could have done differently is focus more about how to save money in your account. You have to have money somehow and there are multiple ways to save it besides a student account. However, Great post.
