Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Press release

November 30, 2013
Mr. William Garrison
President, West Virginia University
Dear Faculty and Alumni,
It has come to my attention of unforeseen circumstances that there is clarification needed about the palpability of the Heather Bresch EMBA degree in late 2007. I would like to inform all of you that Miss Bresch did complete her hours at WVU to earn her degree legitimately. She earned this EMBA during her time at the school.
However during her time here there were mix-ups that occurred which made her unable to graduate. The reason she did not receive her diploma was because of her failure to pay a graduation fee. As for the legitimacy of her credit hours I was informed the business college had a mix up with transferring records of nearly half her course work.
As President here I won’t let something like this happen again. A student shouldn’t suffer based upon a mistake made on the department. If a student has rightfully earned their degree we need to as a school to make sure all students receive what is theirs. I take full responsibility in making sure an even such as this goes noticed. I am also looking into the possibility of more mix-ups so that they are corrected.
Sincerely your president,
William Garrison

November 30, 2013
Mr. Michael Noble
Public Relations, West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia
On October 11, 2007 Heather Bresch received her EMBA degree from the University of West Virginia. There was then speculation by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette saying they have determined that Ms. Bresh did not complete all her required classes. However, the Post-Gazette they don’t know all the processes of a University. They received misinformation from an uninformed registrar who did not have recent records on Ms.Bresh.
WVU officials have confirmed with Miss Bresh’s inquiry that she truly did graduate from the University of West Virginia with an EMBA degree but had not received her diploma. This was due to the miscommunication in the business department in failure to transfer paperwork from her classes.
President Garrison was unaware of the situation until the Governor brought it to his attention. The only true reason Ms. Bresch couldn’t graduate was because of a graduation fee she failed to pay. President Garrison took this mistake and fixed what she had rightfully earned. He then took preparatory actions to make sure an event such as this could never happen in the future.

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