Saturday, December 14, 2013

Squares of change

Downtown Bowling Green is officially known as the Fountain Square but every local calls it the “square” and it’s a always changing and developing area of the Bowling Green.

According to, two brothers, George and Robert Moore, designed the square. They laid out a two-acre for the Fountain Square Park.

Since its creation it has hosted many holiday events, weddings, concerts and parades. All of which bring the community of Bowling Green together.

Besides hosting community events, the square also plays host to many long-standing businesses.  Those places include
A hair salons, and down the street is a tea store.

TeaBayou is a locally owned tea and pastry store. Next door to it is a men’s wear shop.

Golden-Farley sells high-quality men’s wear as well as tailored suits, ties and tiebars.

Then there is The Pots Place that sells pottery.

“It’s one of my places in the square because of all the beautiful pottery,” said Cassidy Johnson, 20, of Clarksville, Tenn. The Pots Place also offers classes.  Next door to that you have the Capitol Theatre, which host many events, such as Rock Horror Picture Show.

Then if you round and take a left you find one of the most popular stores in the square, Spencer’s Coffee.

“I love the fair trade coffee,” said Kasey Long.

Now if you cross the street and walk past Subway you find yourself at the bright yellow doors of Candle Makers on the Square. 

“It’s cute and cozy and there are a lot of scents in there,” said Johnson. Two doors down is the Dollar Bros Shoe Company.

John Williams has worked on the square for over 48 years, selling high quality shoes. Over that time he has seen the square change.

“It has changed tremendously in a lot of ways, but it is always going to continue to change because it’s trying to find its position in the area and in this world,” said Williams.

“At the moment, you’ve got a ready-to-wear jewelry store, a home interior place, an Apple distributor, food, an art gallery, a salon, basically everything except a drug store. There are only two chains down here: Mellow Mushroom - which really isn’t on the square - and Subway,” Williams said.

To me, the square thrives off of having multiple things to do such as eat, hang out, and grab coffee, but also keeps that small, hometown feeling. For someone who comes from a smaller city like Paducah, it really reminds me of home with it's class and charm,” said Mathew Langston, 23, of Paducah, Ky.

Langston isn’t the only the only that noticed that not everyone is looking for the small town feel.

Back in the 60s, 70s and 80s, the square was one of those places that most days of the week - especially the weekend - you couldn’t walk up and down the streets hardly. It was jammed packed full of people that’s why most people still to this day still talk about it. And you did have drugstores on about every corner and all your better-graded stuff was down here ever now a day’s what’s down here is still your better-graded merchants. From back then you didn’t have many of the major discounters you have today,” Williams said. He knows that the square isn’t what it used to be. He thinks it’s because of changing times and a lack of knowledge.

All downtowns are evolving to hit the consumer’s attention. Part of it is the baby boomers know what down own can do, but the two generations after have no clue what downtown can do. Williams realizes that the square is a very important part of Bowling Green.

If Bowling Green lost the square, Williams said it would “lose all of its heritage” with the business sector.

But there’s a future believes William, “Well its hard to say. I don’t understand a lot of people who think that the square downtown is old with nothing interesting. It’s funny because if there’s a quality commercial or quality camera shoot or pictures or commercial work where they want a high grade look there always out here in the square.” Says William.

But the square has lasted this long for a reason it has a god mixture of everything. But Williams believes that

“If they can make it this thing a point of destination if they can make a balance between retail food and entertainment they would have the best destination in the state of Kentucky”

John Williams Stands in the back room of Dollar Bros Shoe Company where he as worked for over 48 years.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Press release

November 30, 2013
Mr. William Garrison
President, West Virginia University
Dear Faculty and Alumni,
It has come to my attention of unforeseen circumstances that there is clarification needed about the palpability of the Heather Bresch EMBA degree in late 2007. I would like to inform all of you that Miss Bresch did complete her hours at WVU to earn her degree legitimately. She earned this EMBA during her time at the school.
However during her time here there were mix-ups that occurred which made her unable to graduate. The reason she did not receive her diploma was because of her failure to pay a graduation fee. As for the legitimacy of her credit hours I was informed the business college had a mix up with transferring records of nearly half her course work.
As President here I won’t let something like this happen again. A student shouldn’t suffer based upon a mistake made on the department. If a student has rightfully earned their degree we need to as a school to make sure all students receive what is theirs. I take full responsibility in making sure an even such as this goes noticed. I am also looking into the possibility of more mix-ups so that they are corrected.
Sincerely your president,
William Garrison

November 30, 2013
Mr. Michael Noble
Public Relations, West Virginia University
Morgantown, West Virginia
On October 11, 2007 Heather Bresch received her EMBA degree from the University of West Virginia. There was then speculation by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette saying they have determined that Ms. Bresh did not complete all her required classes. However, the Post-Gazette they don’t know all the processes of a University. They received misinformation from an uninformed registrar who did not have recent records on Ms.Bresh.
WVU officials have confirmed with Miss Bresh’s inquiry that she truly did graduate from the University of West Virginia with an EMBA degree but had not received her diploma. This was due to the miscommunication in the business department in failure to transfer paperwork from her classes.
President Garrison was unaware of the situation until the Governor brought it to his attention. The only true reason Ms. Bresch couldn’t graduate was because of a graduation fee she failed to pay. President Garrison took this mistake and fixed what she had rightfully earned. He then took preparatory actions to make sure an event such as this could never happen in the future.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Budget Guide

Budget Guide

My name is Michael Noble I’m a sophomore in the photojournalism major at Western Kentucky University. Being a PJ major at any school is very expensive buying gear and just living, so budgeting is key and here are my top tips for an incoming freshman.

I’ll start things off with budgeting. It’s the most important thing not being broke in college. You need to know exactly how much you have at any given time. So what I use is my banks iPhone app. It tells me everything about my account instantly and from anywhere. I also have the bank send me a paper statement so I can see what spending in one long list. Then I have two different highlighters one for required purchases and the other unnecessary purchases. This will make your spending clear.

Since we are on the topic of banks they are important, as well as the accounts you select. Banks will offer you this accounts that sounds very flashy but if you look at the details they require the account to have at least $100 if not then they fine the account owner. Which as a college student isn’t very realistic.  So look for the bank’s student accounts these accounts features no minimum balance. Which is great to have because every dollar matters.

If the incoming freshman takes these tips they will have a financially successful freshman year.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lead Writing Exercises

Lead Writing Exercises

Duane LaChance, 53 a pipe fitter for Gross Engineers suffer third degree burns after accidentally touching a wrench to a power line carrying 15,00 volts. 

Peter McCartney the rock and roll singer is in the Riverside Hospital for exploratory throat surgery after McCartheny’s performance his voice was reduced to a whisper.

Hattiesburg Board of Education me the morning of Tuesday October 8, the board accepted report and then passed a group of new rules purposed by the administration.

Associate professor John Dumont and associate professor George Johnson both from Backwater State University were killed in a Trans World Airlines crashed at Kennedy International Airport.

Norman Meeman Pulitzer Prize speaks at the William Oxley Thimson Memorial library to a audience of mostly English students.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Class Mate Interview

Alex Brislin

     Alex Brislin is 19 and longtime resident of Louisville,Ky. There he lived with his mother,father and brother Nick. Brislin is currently a sophomore at western Kentucky University pursuing his dream of film.
     "My dream is to one day make a super bowl commercial", Brislin said. One of Brislin  inspiration for film was the legendary landscape photographer Ansel Adams. This inspired him to start taking photos.He found his passion for film by first taking photos and then discovering that he like the motion picture format better. So he decided to follow his dream by going to Western Kentucky the only school in Kentucky that has a program for video.
     Brislin has other passion aside from video. Including photography ,hunting for deer,birds, fishing and hanging with friends.  He also enjoys watching Top Gear the UK version not the US version. Brisilin enjoys the witty humor and the clever car reviews.
    In summary Alex Brisilin is born and raised Kentucky resident that is chasing his dream of film and loves the outdoors.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

NSA Whistleblower

The NSA recently experienced leaks about their programs that included unwarranted wiretaps. The man behind these leaks was Edward Snowden. Snowden believes that he is leaking these documents to let the public deicide.
Snowden is 29 and Booz Allen Hamilton as an infrastructure analyst for NSA in Hawaii.
            "I'm no different from anybody else. I don't have special skills. I'm just another guy who sits there day to day in the office, watches what's happening and goes, 'This is something that's not our place to decide, the public needs to decide whether these programs and policies are right or wrong.' And I'm willing to go on the record to defend the authenticity of them and say, 'I didn't change these, I didn't modify the story. This is the truth; this is what's happening. You should decide whether we need to be doing this.'" Said Snowden. Snowden believes that he is doing what is just for the people of the US. That these programs should be judged on by public and the fact that they didn’t doesn’t seem right.

            Snowden didn’t want to leak these documents to hurt or aid other countries. Because of Snowden's actions of leaking these documents, the US government is looking for him on criminal charges of Theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information, as well as willful communication of classified intelligence to an unauthorized person.